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I Want To Go For A Ride

Kolmanskop Ghost Town is definitely amazing, as I've waxed poetic about it several times now. This was my first ghost town visit. I'm not quite sure this is normal - and it certainly doesn't seem like it - but I don't quite understand why there seems to be bath tubs everywhere. They are rather distributed across the town in places you'd least expect to see a bath tub.

How did the bath tubs get where they are? Did the desert sands aid them in their dispersal around town, or did they somehow have help? These are not lightweight things, but at the same time, the sands have had such an amazing effect over the last 60 years since the town was abandoned that anything is possible.

Seeing this tub though, really makes me want to hop in and ride it down the sand hill. If only I lived in a cartoon world, this would be not only possible, but expected.