Aisle Seat Please

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One of Pyongyang's infamous female traffic controllers. Instead of traffic lights, throughout Pyongyang and other cities in North Korea, traffic controllers stand in the middle of intersections directing traffic. In some locations, there are umbrellas for them to help beat the heat. In other locations, traffic lights have been installed, but are only used in cold weather or when it's dark out.

Pyongyang traffic ladies are quite elusive. They seem to be everywhere, yet, you're always in the tour bus driving by, never quite able to get a good shot. So famous are these traffic controllers, that on some tours, you might actually make a 5 minute stop just to take photos of one! Jackpot!

In my case, I snagged this near the parade celebrating the 100th birthday of President Kim Il-sung. I really like how perfectly straight her padded shoulders are, intersecting the man walking by.