Aisle Seat Please

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Between Two Looming Disasters

There is a distinct talent in balancing objects on your head. While driving through Goma, I saw this type of scene play out over and over again. Bananas, eggs, and what have you, balanced on top of a woman's heads being transported. This particular set up has fish drying on top of this hat-like platform. As for the blue bin? No clue.

A small section of the Avenue de la Paix runs along the beautiful and deadly Lake Kivu. The lake is one of only three that undergo limnic eruptions. Should the lake overturn, the results for Goma on the whole would be catastrophic. In the meantime though, this woman and many others like her make their life living between a lake that could erupt, and a volcano that could erupt wiping out the city. Helluva place to live, huh?

I also rather like the decorative touch of the guard tower protecting the house behind it with the gate door open. Should rebels such as M23 advance into Goma again, I'm not sure how much peace of mind the stone wall and metal gate will provide, but on a day-to-day basis it's probably still better than most homes in the area.