Catty Happiness

Catty Happiness

I can't recall the last time I've seen bumper cars so decked out. This is something I would have expected to see in kawaii-crazed Japan, not at an amusement park in North Korea. There's always a bit of instant rivalry once the bumper cars start rolling, but this really brings new meaning to getting into a cat fight.

This ride, and a number of other fun rides can be found at the Taesongsan Fun Fair in Pyongyang. It's kind of like the NES of amusement parks. Sure, there's your high end parks like Six Flags which are more like an Xbox One or PS4, but getting some time in with a classic NES can still be fun - you just won't get all the latest bells and whistles.

Bumper car ride in one of the DPRK's fun fairs.