BhutanBaron ReznikThimphu, HDR

View From Buddha Park

BhutanBaron ReznikThimphu, HDR
View From Buddha Park

According to the doctrine of the Buddha, humans must study nature in order to attain personal wisdom regarding the nature of things. Where else then, could be so fitting a place for a giant Shakyamuni Buddha statue (not pictured) then on a mountain overlooking the southern approach to Thimphu?

As the year ends, it's a natural time for reflection. This blog has been a huge time commitment for me, but it's also forced me to constantly edit and upload my photos for a change. Thankfully, it's not been all for nothing as I saw my flickr traffic increase 4.5x this year to well over 450,000 photo views for the year. My Google+ account I started when I created this blog racked up a solid 275,000 views for the year.

While these numbers are far from noticeable in the age of the internet, I'm still happy to see the growth and even more grateful when I see some positive feedback. So, it's with a bit of a heavy heart and a tinge of guilt that I must now take a one month hiatus from this blog. For I too must study nature in order to hopefully attain some more wisdom, more experiences, and of course, a ton of photographs. A confluence of demands on my time has made this necessary, but I expect to return first thing Monday, February 2nd back to my routine of a new photo post every weekday, from a different country each day of the week. I hope you'll come back to join me for some more photographic adventures!

A view worthy of Enlightenment.